Wednesday, 12 November 2014

How to Choose the Right Pesticide?

Pesticides are one of the most important tools to manage pest. Here is how to choose the right product for application:

Figure out the pest:

Accurate identification is the key to choosing a pesticide because pesticides have been categorized as per the problem or pest that they control. For example, herbicides help in controlling weed, insecticides help to control insects, and fungicides control diseases related to plants, yet they are all pesticides. As per the Indian agrochemical industry, the first step to choosing a pesticide is to know what your pest is.

Identify the site of application: 

Pesticides are also distinguished based on the site of application. For instance, there are separate pesticides for outdoors and separate products for indoors. Hence, it is important to identify the location on which the chemical has to be applied.

What is the best formulation for the site and pest?

Products produced by pesticides companies in India come in a variety of liquid and dry formulations. Find out what suits your particular situation by taking the location and any relevant wildlife, environment or human element into consideration.  Pre-mixed products are easier than concentrates that need to be diluted and mixed. Although they are costlier, their convenience normally justifies the cost.

What is the quantity of pesticide needed?

Estimate the amount of pesticide that will be required for single application. Multiply that amount to the number of times you will need to apply the product in one season.

Is it wise to buy in bulk for a better rate?

Always choose the quantity of the pesticide in accordance to the anticipated need, not only the best value. Storing pesticides for too long can make them loose their effectiveness, and may eventually require disposal which is normally difficult. Make sure you buy only in quantities that you can use efficiently in the same season or year.

Pests are a big cause of concern and the use of chemical pesticides is important to protect the crops. However, it is extremely important to choose the right product and in the right quantities to keep your yield healthy.   

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