Thursday, 25 December 2014

The Role of Agrochemical Products to Help in the Production Process
Insects, weeds and pests can play havoc with the crop production, destroying large quantities of yields. Therefore, killing these unwanted pests is naturally an important matter.  But how can one safeguard their production? One of the best ways recommended by experts is to apply agrochemical products to the crops. Applying insecticides and pesticides on crops can solve the problem to a significant level.

Here is an insight on what agrochemicals really are and their underlying benefits for farmers and their yield:

Agrochemicals: what are they?

With the decreasing mortality rate, the shortage of food is getting more and more acute. In such circumstances, unless we manage pests, we may face scarcity for food in the years to come. Agrochemical products are like a much needed boon that provides considerable benefits. They are substances or products that are used for managing the agricultural ecosystem actively. They are also called crop protection products and play an important role in preventing the attacks of fungi, pests, weeds, and diseases that are considered serious threats to the production of crop.

Benefits of using agrochemical products

It is believed that the production of agrochemical products has two main benefits. The primary benefit is that they fight the various undesirable insects, pests, fungi, and the like. The second advantage is that agrochemical products alleviate poverty as they enhance agricultural productivity for farmers.

The types of agrochemical products available in the market:

Agrochemical products include an array of products such as, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Although they come in different names or forms, but their purpose is same. The main goal of these products is to secure crops from the destructive attacks of insects, pest, fungi and unwanted weeds respectively. These products can be divided into four fragments: organic pesticides, inorganic pesticides, and post and pre-emergent herbicides.

Application of these products necessitates a good understanding, for little or no knowledge in application can lead to serious problems for the environment and the user. Hence, it is important that the user has a basic understanding before applying the agrochemicals on crops. Apart from this, it is also important to buy the right product from the best fertilizers company in India. One of the ways to find out about top agrochemical companies in India is to research online. There are several forums and expert websites that can help a person secure the right product.  

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